Is Copying and Using References Cheating?

There is often debate in the art community when it comes to copying and using references in your work. Many believe truly talented artists only create original ideas and those ideas need to be created from your imagination. And there are others that believe references are of structural importance to any good piece. But which is it?

Well it’s both, to an extent. It depends on an artist’s skillset and workflow. References are valuable tools that can help enhance the ability to portray a subject. But if you’ve drawn it enough times, and you feel confident in your image in your mind, then you don’t need to feel like you need a reference. Even if you don’t have the confidence, if you simply want to intuitively create your subject, then do it! Do what feels right to you and your work. One artist isn’t better than another because one used reference and the other didn’t. There is much to judging and deciding what art is and how well it was done.

What about copying the work of others artists? That’s definitely not okay, right? Well that depends on you. Are you doing it to learn how the artist drew their art, or for attention? Are you claiming this work as your own? If you are, that is art theft and NOT okay. But if you are trying to learn, copying is okay. Even sharing it online is okay too, but always credit the original artist and state that it is a copy or a study. You want to state that it is not your original work and be transparent!

An art study is when one artists recreates the work of another artist in order to study and practice their work. Artists have been doing studies of other artists for years, centuries even. Many artists typically copy or study the work of a “master”, these are often renowned artists who have passed away.

Artists like Monet, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh , and so many others have been constant sources of knowledge and inspiration for artists looking to expand or practice their skills. Today, there is endless sources of great art and therefore plenty of pieces to study from! Going though the process of another artist can often open doors to new ideas for your own work!

Copying and using references are not cheating or signs of a bad artist. It’s how artists learn and grow!


April Adventures(2024)


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