Collaging Your Journal

Journaling for me is an important tool for me to have. It is an important part of keeping myself aware of my mental health. I don’t journal everyday, but it is very important to allowing me to reflect on myself, track my anxiety and depression, and remembering key moments I don’t want to forget. My journal is my place where I can be process things and just sit down and write through my thoughts. But sometimes, it can be hard to start writing even though I feel the urge to journal. That blank page can be daunting and sometimes discouraging. But I have found a way that helps me with that when it comes to my journal and I want to share that with you today!

When dealing with overwhelm, it can ne hard to sit down and put it all into words. I know I need to process my thoughts and emotions, but I don’t really know how to go about it. So I sit there staring at my blank page and sometimes even close my journal altogether. Because journaling is an important tool for me in managing my anxiety and depression, I wanted to to find a more encouraging way to not feel overwhelmed by my journal when I’m trying to work through overwhelming emotions. So I started adding collage elements to my pages!

You don’t need to go all out, or you can if that’s what you are into. I didn’t start with much going on my pages. I started with just added printed photos on a mobile printer I had gotten as a gift. They were mostly pictures I had taken on my phone which I could add to my entries! Doing this reminded me of what as going on in my life at the time of those entries.

Adding pictures to my pages not only added interest when looking back, but it adds motivation and sometimes inspiration when journaling. It allowed me not to have overwhelm from the blank page. There would already be something on the page. And better, there isn’t too much to think about if I can’t, because I could just write about the pictures, whether it’s what is happening in the picture itself, or the event it was captured from. It’s a great starting place for me. And sometimes after that starting point, I naturally start writing about the deeper stuff, usually the reason I sat down to journal in the first place.

Though you can be very simple by just adding pictures here and there, you can also get fancier with your journal entries! As time has gone on, I have started adding other collage like elements to my journal! I’ve added washi tape, fun papers, and my favorite lately, stickers! As of late, I’ve really only been using stickers. I find planner stickers the best for journaling. Specifically, those pads of Happy Planner stickers! They have so many stickers in one pad! They are also always full of motivational and inspirational stickers and I find it very encouraging! Especially when going through overwhelm.

When it comes to collaging, as a whole, you really can include anything! You can include magazine clippings, mementos items like movie tickets or playbills, random papers with fun patterns or colors! You can use packaging you liked or want to keep. Maybe include cards you receive for your birthday or holidays! Maybe you have the itch to be more creative and add your own artwork! There really isn’t many rules to this. And this can all apply to your journal!

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I have elevated my journaling experience and may, if you haven’t alreay give it a try for yourself!


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