September Adventures (2023)

Hello hello! Another month has been added to our 2023 yearbook! It feels crazy how fast this month went by so quickly! But I guess it’s true what they say, “time flies when you are having fun!” And I had tons of fun this month!

To start off, I want to update you on some projects from last month. I am happy that I can officially share my top secret project, which is this crochet bunny! I was commissioned by my uncle to crochet this cutie for my aunt and their baby boy who is on his way! I was very happy to make this bunny for them but I had to keep it top secret, as my aunt is a huge support to me and would totally see it online! And I couldn’t have her seeing the bunny before she got it!

But now he is happily in his new home! This is my first bunny project but I am excited to make more!

Also picking up from where last month left off, I finished some of the coloring pages I started! I love how they turned out! I didn’t finish all the coloring pages I started last month, as I still have one that I have to finish! But I did start a few at the same time so I’m not too shocked, and I have been quite busy working on my shop, preparing a new launch and getting ready for the holiday season!

One of my work projects I spent this month working on was finishing my packing stickers for sending out more delicate items like The Forge lanterns in my shop! I started these last month and I finished them at the beginning of September! I am really happy with how these came out and I am happy to add more of my personal touch to my orders as they make their way to their new homes!

I am slowly working on my branding and I am happy to have completed another branding project! I still have a few more to work on that you will see me work on in the coming months.

As for shop projects, I spent this month working on my latest in progress shop launch. This launch is truly one of my first themed launches, which I am calling the Army Support launch. This launch started out small and them turned into a bigger one with more products coming than I originally anticipated in launching. I was going to only be adding car decal stickers to the shop, two designs. But I ended up loving the designs and wanted to make regular vinyl stickers too so that I can add some more illustrative artwork to my shop! I have been wanting to add stickers to my shop since I started it, but I didn’t really know when to add them. But this feels like a natural entry for them! I am happy to be further expanding on the products in my shop that support those in our army and can allow families to support their soldiers!

This launch is still not up in the shop but will be debuting by the end of October 2023. You can be the first to know by signing up for my shop newsletter!

This month, I also spent a good amount of time working on this art blog! I released three posts last month, two history posts and of course my monthly adventures post! The history posts were more involved than I thought they’d be, as I ended up learning a lot! I also started planning and drafting up many more posts that I’m excited will be shared through October and November with more to come! I am really in love with writing for this blog and with busier months ahead with family time, art markets, and filling many orders for gifts to come, I want to make sure you always have something new to read every week! I know I love reading in these cozier months and I am here to provide some hopefully fun and interesting content for you!

I also spent much time crocheting this month! I have mostly been preparing for upcoming markets! I of course, continued crocheting coasters, but I also tried a new pattern, crocheting an acorn! I love it and have decided that I want to make many more and take them to markets with me and sell them in my Etsy shop!

I also started crocheting my beloved pumpkins! I started with some mini ones this month! Aren’t they adorable? I want to make a whole mini army of these guys! I focused on making pumpkin bases, so they still need their stems!

Also this past month, I sketched a little bit in my sketchbook, mainly my travel sketchbook. I don’t actually go out as much with it as I was, so I have been using it while my main sketchbook is busy for work projects! October will show my little sketchbook some love as I will be participating in this year’s InkTober! You can keep up with my journey right now over on my Instagram!

I hope you enjoyed my adventures from this month! And I hope you have some of your own to reflect on, and I know we have more to make in October!


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