End of 2023 Adventures

Long time, no see! I hope you had a great end to your 2023 year! My end of the year was quite busy! But I’m back and I am excited to share with you some of my creative adventures!

To start off, I have been the most busy with markets the last few months! I have been busiest with attending markets and the prep that went into them. I got to vendor at Red Barns in Woodinville, WA and I loved my experience there! I attended these markets with my mom who has been helping me learn about selling my products in person! I can’t wait to go back in 2024 to Red Barns! Not only was it a great opportunity for me as a small buisness owner, the mission of Red Barns is something I want to further support! Red Barns is a waystation for animals in need. Many of the animals there have been neglected and abused, but each animal who called Red Barns their home has their own backstory and personality. They each have their own journey to how they came to Red Barns, there are many horses, goats, pigs, and many more animals there! Red Barns is only one location on the network of places that help save these animals. They are a part of Animal Refuge Network and their goal is to create something like the waystation in Woodinville to help animals in every city, every state, every country. They want to be able to reach many animals in need and they already are helping so many! They were the main event of the market events, as they host farm tours! I feel privileged to have been a part of this great place this holiday season and meeting all the animals who live there! I feel I have found my own place at Red Barns and it felt much more than another market venue. I hope you check out not only the Red Barns but all the work that Animal Refuge Network does!

Something that kept me quite busy in October was completing InkTober! I had so much fun completing this challenge! The point of InkTober is to draw everyday and usually only with ink, things like pens to create your creations. There really are many art challenges that take place during the fall, especially in October online, and everyone has different goals with these challenges!

My goal with part taking in this year’s InkTober was to diversify what I draw. I was looking for a way to switch it up and I feel I achieved my goal! I will have an upcoming blog post that will go further into my experience with InkTober this year and my thought! Keep a look out!

In my last adventures blog post, I couldn’t share one project that I was most proud of because at the time it was a surprise for my aunt! I crocheted a bunny for newest cousin!

It came out quite large and I think quite cute! I am so happy with how it looks and I am even happier that it will live in my cousin’s room while he grows!

While prepping for markets, I made many bracelets. I made a lot of knotted friendship bracelets but I also started to make beaded bracelets! I ended up liking making them so much I added them to my market lineup alongside the knotted bracelets I already was bringing!

Both were quite the hits and I look forward to putting them into my online shop!

Another popular hit was mini crochet items! I made some crochet acorns and pumpkins and decided after to crochet some mini versions of both! Most popular was the mini pumpkins! I am so glad people loved buying them as much as I loved making them! I look forward to starting to crochet more this summer in prep for fall!

Along with market prep, there was a lot of Christmas prep for me as well! I decided to take on the daunting task of handmaking all the gifts that I give to my friends and family this year! Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete all the gifts on time since I go sick for 2 weeks in December. So for now here is some gifts I did finish and you’ll have more too see in next month’s adventures!

While working on Christmas gifts I fell in love with this crochet stitch while making scarves and headbands! I think my favorite was this green scarf I made!

And finally, I really enjoyed crocheting this adorable stacking toy! This is also a Christmas gift but I enjoyed the process so much, I have decided to add them to my shop soon! So you can keep a look out for that!

Thank you for catching up with me today! I hope you are starting off 2024 well and I know good things are in store for you! I look forward to getting back to these monthly adventure posts now that life is slowing down and going back to normal! Happy New Year!


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