Being a Variety Artist

Hello, my name is AnnMarie and I am a variety artist. What do I mean by variety artist? Well, I am an artist who does many types of arts and crafts!

I have always been a creative person, usually drawing and painting. But over time, I branched out to other creative activities. I used to struggle to tell people what kind of artist I was. But over time I came up with an easy way, A Variety Artist. It feels the most true and natural way to describe me.

I got the idea from watching one of my favorite artists on YouTube, Mira Byler! Mira, also known as Miranda, calls herself a Style Hopper, which is how she describes herself because she tends to bounce between drawing/painting styles. She is also often trying new things too! She is best know for her sketchbook idea videos, which are great showcases to her talent and style hopping!

As a variety artist, I find inspiration in many arts and crafts, and usually I have to try them for myself! My favorite things to do is paint and crochet!

But I draw often, both traditionally and digitally! I prefer traditional drawing, mainly because I feel more comfortable with it. But as I do more and more digital artwork, I get more and more comfortable with the process!

I have dabbled with other things like clay and pour painting! I have experimented with pour painting, and I hope to at some point do pour painting on some of my own clay creations!

Another favorite thing to do is making bracelets! I have made woven friendship bracelets for years, but with the popular trend of making beaded bracelets to trade at Taylor Swift concerts, I got into making those!

I often find the crafts and art styles I like to try from social media, from Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, etc. I myself share my creations on these platforms and I hope in part when I post them, that I am inspiring someone else to be creative. Whether that is creating the same thing, or taking a piece of the idea, whatever sparks their creativity, helps them create.

Art never was intended to be my career. But it is, and I think the biggest reason is because I had to find a way to create my career because there are so many things out there I want to create. And learn. How I could I just let it be my part time hobby?

I hope whether you have a defined idea on what medium you like to do, or if you are a style hopper or a variety artist, you sit and think of why you create. Is it because it is just a must have desire or is it to relax and unwind? No matter what the answer is, you are right. There is no wrong answer! Happy creating!


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